My Turn To Present
1st Team Presentation
the title is "10 importance things to remember when start the presentation"
There are
Want to continue the master or Not?
As promised by our lecturers last week, two guests were invited to give a little knowledge and experience to us. Who are they?
Ms. Huda and Mr. Fitri... they were multimedia students who continue their studies atMasters level UUM.Saya recognize them when they become a tutor for the subject HCI and 3D animation ...
Mr. Fitri spoke about his master's project and how to make research. Mr. Fitri take research on VR (Virtual Reality) ...
While Miss. Huda also spoke about the master course and how to apply master ... She took a master in the field of AR (Augmented Reality) ...
After that, we were given a rest for 5 minutes ... then we were all get surprised after our lecturer told that each person should present our paper writing and blog... Aiyakkk ...@_@...
The presentation date was follow by our matrix digit end. My matrix digit end with number 3 and my presentation is on 29/3, so afraid the date coming soon. -_-
And the new update I got from the facebook for MM Seminar group, these are the criteria for our presentation evaluation:
Presentation Evaluation Criteria
1. Well controlled action and body language
2. Personal appearance
3. Effective communication & presentation flow
4. Self-confidence
5. Q & A (able to answer effectively)
Before the class end, our lecturer was given us a 2nd Quiz about the research method in multimedia that we learned on last week...The quiz submit on next two days....hoyehhh ^_^
Research method in MM??? What's that??
We separate in group of 4 people and discuss about the given topic…My group topic was MM System…Hah??What is MM system?? We so blur to think about that topic…In addition, our lecturer said we cannot search the topic on the Internet…Finally, we just write down whatever crossed in our mind that related to MM system at the piece of paper…
After 30 minute, our lecturer asks to us who want volunteer to present. There are some groups want to present their topic. While, for the group that didn't do the presentation include my group, we just present only the description about the title of the topic.
Then, our lecturer continues the lecture about the research method in MM. It is about the terminologies that our lecturer has given to us to discuss just now.
After finished, we discuss about the dinner. Finally, all of us had decided to choose the Malay food and the fee are increases from RM35 to RM 50… There is nothing to say except…WOW!!! (O__O)…Whatever…
Anyway the AJK in charge for the dinner more considerate and they try as hard as they can do to make the event go smoothly…
OK…that's all for this entry…(^__^)v
Writing Article
Today lecture is about the type of articles. There are 4 types of articles that are conference proceedings, thesis, and journal and research paper. Mr Syamsul taught us that different article to be used to write for different purpose. Thesis is to write for Master and PHD while research paper is to write for practicum report.
Before we want write the article, first we must know the purpose of the article. After we know the market and the concept, we are ready to write the first draft for the article. There are Title, Attribution, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, References and Appendix must include in the article.
After finish the teaching of writing paper skill, Mr Syamsul gives back the quiz papers that not belong to us for marking purpose. Mr. Syamsul is giving the answer and we are marking the quiz according to the answer. After that, we discuss about the dinner theme. After voted, all of us are agree that "Mask" as our theme for the dinner night. It's seemed like quite interesting. I hope it is a fun and interesting dinner. (>__<)